Death, Dying, and Destiny

Lord, help me, please, to number my days,
As I realize what Your Word has to say:

For it’s once appointed unto me to die,
If, in fact, I’m not raptured through the sky.

May I see that sin has brought this curse to be,
Yet, I can praise Thee for salvation given to me

Not that leaving this life would not be hard,
But I know my spirit would take flight unmarred.

Even with loved ones left behind,
I’d rejoice to enter that “home” of mine.

And death would lose its temporary sting
As I joined the redeemed to worship and sing.

Oh, Lord, dying is but a crossing of Jordan’s stream,
And seeing before me all my hopes and dreams…

Fulfilled in the smile on my Savior’s face,
And hearing from Him, “You’ve run well the race!”

With this bright destiny on earth’s horizon,
Give me strength to finish the course I run.

For each new day could be the finish line
As I could be marching my last step to Zion.

With joy in my heart let me teach and preach,
And with Gospel in hand, seek to outreach.

Lord, help me to make the most of the years You give,
And to know to die is gain, and for you I should live!